Visualizing music trends //

• Prince Nelson juxtaposed with Michael Jackson

Our artistic visualization helps visualize the musical career of artists through the statistics of albums that have made it to the Billboard 200 list. In our project titled King vs. Prince, we specifically focus on Michael Jackson and Prince Rogers Nelson. Both successful figures in the music industry, we were able to get comparative results. Within our gallery, users can follow Jackson’s discography success dating back to 1972 with albums such as Ben as well as Nelson's discography success of more than 30 years. Our visualizations are color coordinated and include a pixelated head figure to distinguish between the two artists, some are labeled with the album title and the number of weeks each stayed on the chart. We also included merged versions of the visualizations to help better represent the comparison of these two artists. We strived to incorporate an informative aesthetic to our work and we hope you enjoy it!

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